Geberit On Tour Hits the Road

Geberit On Tour

Our brand new On Tour truck is hitting the road this summer. Stopping at merchant branches across the country, we are looking to give Installers the oppourtunity to get hands on with Geberit products and to discover installation tips.

Our expert salesforce will be on hand at every event to answer any installation queries and provide more information about the Select products on show.

The On Tour truck showcases a number of Geberit ceramic products including the space-saving Selnova Compact wall-hung WC and the floor standing Smyle Square WC.

Scroll down to find out when On Tour is coming to you!

FIT FAST WIN BIGWith the Installer Speed Challenge

Geberit Duofix

Installers will also be given the opportunity to complete the Geberit Speed Challenge, to find out who is the UK’s fastest fitter. The challenge involves servicing a concealed Sigma cistern in the fastest time possible.

All successful participants will win a t-shirt and the opportunity to take home an Echo Dot.

What’s more, we will crown the 2022 Speed Challenge Champion at the end of the year, handing over £3,000 worth of vouchers!

Find out more

Participating MerchantsFind out when Geberit On Tour is coming to you!